SOI Asia 2013 Fall Cloud Computing Workshop

Cloud Computing Workshop

at SOI&AI3 Meeting Myanmar


On October 29th 2013, the last day of SOI&AI3 Meeting Myanmar, we held one day workshop about Cloud Computing at University of Computer Studies, Mandalay. Participants are mainly UCSM’s master students. About 20 students took lectures about Cloud Computing by Mr. Husni and built a private cloud using OpenNebula.




October 29th 2013



University of Computer Studies, Mandalay



About 20



Cloud Computing


[Time Schedule](LT)

08:30-10:00 Lecture 1

– Mr. Husni talked  what are cloud computing and virtual machines.

10:00-10:30 coffee break

10:30-12:00 Lecture 2

– Mr. Husni talked about virtual infrastructure manager and Open Nebula.

12:00-13:00 Lunch break

13:00- 14:00 Hunds-On Workshop

– Built a private cloud using Open Nebula.