We are excited to announce that the EBA (Evidence Based Approach) Project a new sub-project of SOI Asia, is about to start in April 2022.
The EBA Project, aims to foster the Asia Pacific wide collaborative community among Universities for designing evidence-based resilient future society. The root of this Project, The EBA Consortium, started in 2012, with Keio University (Japan) and universities in Southeast Asia, supported by the Re-Inventing Japan Project of Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan. 5 years under this support, the Consortium had conducted many programs to foster students capable of identifying and tackling emergent issues in Asia, based on the evidence and analysis.
From 2022, the successful EBA Consortium activities resume under SOI Asia as a new program to promote collaboration and capacity building for solving issues in Asia and the Pacific. Collaborating with EBA, SOI Asia aims to achieve a new phase of research and development.
EBA Project: https://eba.soi.asia/