#2 Monthly Seminar

The second monthly seminar was held on 24 November 2021 online with 12 real-time participants from the AI³ /SOI Asia community.

Ai Sugiura from UNESCO Jakarta shared the newly adopted UNESCO Open Science Recommendation, and participants discussed the way of our contribution to its implementation mechanisms for Asia and the Pacific Region.
She also shared her new STEM Education program focused on environmental issues utilizing UNESCO resources and EBA (EvidenceBased Approach) Project. The target of this program, high school students of India, Thailand, Indonesia, and South Korea, are expected to learn about the process of the data becoming information using Arduinos kits.

Participants List:

Universiti Sains MalaysiaChong Yung Wey
Universitas Syiah KualaRahmad Dawood
Universitas Sam RatulangiAlwin Sambul
UNESCO Jakarta OfficeAi Sugiura
APNIC FoundationMarcos Sadao Maekawa
Keio UniversityKeiko Okawa, Achmad Husni Thamrin, Keisuke Uehara,
Noriatsu Kudo, Eliko Akashi, Rika Ikeda, Fathima Assilmia

Summary Report for AI³ SOI Asia Monthly Online Seminar